Gorkha Durbar


Nepal has this amazing tour called the Gorkha Durbar tour. It’s not as well-known as some others, but it’s a real gem. It starts in Gorkha, a historic town famous as the birthplace of modern Nepal. The journey takes about 5 to 7 days and is good for both beginners and experienced hikers. You start with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Gorkha, then hike through fields, forests, and villages.

The main attraction of this tour is the Gorkha Durbar, a palace with a lot of history. It was built in the 17th century and was the center of power for the Shah dynasty, who united Nepal in the 18th century. You can explore the palace, check out the old temples, and visit the museum to learn about Nepal’s royal past.

You’ll also get to meet the friendly locals and experience rural life firsthand. You can see how they farm, try some local food, and even stay in a homestay to really immerse yourself in the culture.

And the scenery is incredible too. The journey takes you through lush forests filled with flowers and birds, and as you climb higher, you’ll see amazing views of the Himalayas.

Overall, the Gorkha Durbar tour is a great way to experience the culture, history, and natural beauty of Nepal without dealing with crowds. It’s perfect for anyone who wants a more authentic Nepalese adventure.

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Rajan Neupane

Born in a small village of Nuwakot, began his career in the tourism industry as a porter which helped him to become a professional experienced guide and now operating RP Treks sincerely.

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