10 Best Treks in Nepal 

Way from Namche to Tengboche

With mighty Himalayan peaks, green hills, and scenic villages, Nepal is a trekker’s paradise. From easy walks to challenging climbs, Nepal offers awesome options to experience natural beauty on foot. This blog lists our top ‘10 best treks in Nepal’ for views of Mount Everest and other mountains. 

Perfect for beginners to advanced trekkers and for short or long days out. Read on to discover bucket list routes like the trek to Everest Base Camp and hidden gem trails far from the crowds. With tips to plan your own Nepal trekking adventure, explore diverse landscapes from river valleys to high alpine passes. 

Whether you seek rugged terrain or a comfortable teahouse-to-teahouse walk in the mountains, We’ve got a spectacular Nepal trek for you. Let these stunning trails inspire your next hiking holiday in one of the world’s best trekking destinations.

1. Annapurna Circuit Trek

Widely considered one of the world’s classic treks, the Annapurna Circuit trail delivers jaw-dropping Himalayan scenery with a unique blend of cultural encounters and physical challenges. As you traverse steep mountain passes, enjoy awestruck views of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and other 8,000m peaks that encircle you. 

The diversity of landscapes is amazing. From lush, subtropical Besisahar, where you begin, gradually ascend river valleys that cut through the mountains. Terraced farmland sits impossibly to near-vertical terrains. Stop in traditional villages seemingly lost in time, with ancient Buddhist gompas and sacred Hindu temples like Muktinath adding touches of spirituality. The hospitality shown in local teahouse accommodations humbles every trekker!

Thorang La Pass

The Annapurna Circuit’s demanding highlight is crossing the Thorong La pass at 5,416 m. One of the world’s deepest descents begins from there, down the  Kali Gandaki Gorge. Situated between Dhaulagiri and Annapurna, this region will strain your neck from constantly gazing up its towering rock walls.

By trek’s end, you won’t just have completed an iconic Himalayan circuit. You’ll have forged bonds with local people, learned Nepal’s greater meaning of namaste, been awed by the beauty of Mother Nature…and seen some rather nice peaks, too!

2. Everest Base Camp Trek 

The legendary Everest Base Camp trek for adventure seekers represents the ultimate Himalayan pilgrimage. As you follow trails walked by generations of climbers and Sherpas to the world’s roof, prepare for a journey that will embed itself in your soul forever.

The ascent begins gently through flowering rhododendron forests, Buddhist prayer flags fluttering in the breeze. Crossing shaky suspension bridges, you enter the realm of breathtaking peaks like Ama Dablam, soaring steeples of ice and rock. 

Stop in welcoming Sherpa villages where monks bless you as you pass ancient monasteries. Savor Sherpa hospitality in cozy teahouses as yak bells chime outside your window.

Razan Neupane - rptreks

The path soon gains elevation, passing through valleys and raging icy rivers, fed by the very glacier you trek upon – the Khumbu. Pausing in Namche Bazaar, the bustling heart of the Khumbu region acclimatizes body and soul. Then, continue upwards along the Imja Khola valley, admiring avalanches that tumble down surrounding giants like Lhotse and Nuptse.

Your goal finally appears as you reach the ridge at Gorak Shep – the lovely view of Mount Everest portrays heaven. Wake at dawn to climb Kala Patthar’s rocky slopes for an amazing golden dawn blessing. Having paid your respects at Everest’s base camp, descend, leaving your heart still soaring among those magnificent snow-capped peaks.

3. Manaslu Circuit Trek

Venture into Nepal’s remote wild west on the magical Manaslu Circuit, where a world of monasteries, monks and yak caravans still endures behind the Himalayas’ shadow. As you traverse around the eighth tallest peak on Earth, Manaslu, each turn in the trail reveals more stunning views than the last.

Start by traversing green river valleys, quaint farms and rhododendron forests past Arughat Bazaar. The path then climbs steadily, passing cliffs engraved with Buddha images and crumbling chortens draped in prayer flags. Stay overnight in traditional villages like Lho, inhabited by the region’s friendly Gurung people. Their smiling hospitality and cozy teahouse lodges are a welcome relief after each grueling day of trekking.

Larkey Pass - rp treks

As you enter the ancient region of Nupri, marvel at panoramas featuring Himlung Himal, Cheo Himal and the Annapurna giants. The cultural landscape shifts too, from Gurung to Tibetan settlements like Samagaon.  Wake at dawn to admire Mount Manaslu from the golden terraces of Samdo Gompa before pushing on to the climax at Larkya La Pass.

At 5106 m, the Larkya La Pass reveals Manaslu, an icy giant lording over this forgotten valley. By the journey’s end, you’ll have completed the ultimate off-the-beaten-path teahouse adventure.

4. Upper Mustang Trek

The Upper Mustang Trek takes you on a wonderful trip to the ancient and magical kingdom of Mustang. This place is tucked far away in the Trans-Himalayan region of Nepal. Like entering a portal to another world, mysteriously preserved behind the Himalayan rainshadow, walk where medieval travellers once tread on the salt caravan route.

As the path climbs north from Jomsom through ochre and crimson rock folds, admire the mighty Kali Gandaki gorge. Fluttering between massive Annapurna and Dhaulagiri giants are chain-linked suspension bridges, swaying hundreds of feet above the river’s milky-green fury.

upper mustang - rp-treks

Enter the forbidden Mustang country near Kagbeni, where a vast wonderland of unique bedland formations and caves beckons. Creepy gorges give way to ancient gompas adorned with stunning Buddhist murals. Magnificent herds of mountain goats stare down curiously as you pass.

The pinnacle is reached upon entering the Upper Mustang’s capital, Lo Manthang. Still encircled by imposing clay walls, admire the grid of alleyways lined with whitewashed building fronts. Gaze up at centuries-old chortens as faces wearing traditional Tibetan dress smile from windows.

Coming back reluctantly from this old-fashioned world to the modern world, part of you still stays under Mustang’s medieval landscape. For this Shangri-La kingdom, where time slowed down long ago, still continues – a fortress guarding Tibet’s one-of-a-kind but disappearing culture. 

5. Langtang Valley Trek

The Langtang Valley Trek offers adventurers an optimal journey to experience the stunning natural landscapes and cultural riches of the Langtang region in central Nepal. 

This popular trekking route is initiated at the town of Syabrubesi. It traverses dense temperate forests with flora like bamboo and rhododendron trees and potential fauna sightings of rare red pandas and monkeys.

langtang trek - rp-treks

Further along the trail, trekkers encounter ethnic villages occupied by the native Tamang people group, whose heritage contains influences from both Tibetan and Nepalese traditions in a topological blend. Several villages on the trail, such as Lama Hotel and Langtang, present opportunities to immerse in Tamang culture.

Ultimately, the trek follows the trail to the high mountain village of Kyanjin Gompa. At the same time, witness alpine vistas alongside glaciers and further hike to the Tserko Ri viewpoint for panoramic vistas of mountains. Ancient Buddhist monasteries are also situated here for visitors to tour.

6. Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

The Ghorepani Poon Hill trek offers adventurers a short yet immensely rewarding Himalayan adventure in Nepal’s Annapurna region. Following trails through colorful rhododendron forests and traditional Gurung villages, the hike to Poon Hill provides a spectacular sunrise over breathtaking peaks.

As trekkers make their way along the route from Nayapul, they pass through trees dripping with orchids and moss. Brief stops in quaint mountain hamlets like Tikhedhunga provide glimpses into Nepali village life. A revitalizing cup of tea brewed by a Gurung family over their mud stove offers trekkers respite while also connecting with the region’s rich culture.

ghorepani gate

The ending of the trek occurs before daybreak as an ascent is made to Poon Hill. Situated at 3,210 m, this iconic viewpoint lives up to its reputation when the clouds part at dawn. Suddenly revealed is a panorama of amazing proportions – a golden spectacle of unimaginable Himalayan giants like Annapurna, Machapuchare and Dhaulagiri awakening in the first light of day.

As the peaks begin to glow ever more bright, any witness cannot help but feel moved by this sacred display of natural majesty and beauty. The Ghorepani Poon Hill trek may be small in scale but never fails to deliver immense rewards.

7. Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek

Trekking to Kanchenjunga Base Camp is an epic adventure into the heart of one of the world’s most majestic mountain wildernesses. Situated on the border between Nepal and India, Kanchenjunga and its surrounding peaks create a landscape of raw, commanding beauty. 

As you make your way along the trail from the small town of Taplejung, you’ll traverse forests with rhododendron blossoms. Additionally, you’ll step into charming hillside villages where Rai and Limbu locals offer a warm glimpse into traditional life.

teschiram - rp -treks

The further you walk, the more jaw-dropping Himalayan vistas unfold. Tent Peak, Jongsong, Kabru, Kambachen, Janu, and other peaks the trail breathtaking. The trail leads you high across mountain passes with spectacular views down green valleys and up towards Kanchenjunga’s icy flanks. 

You’ll draw closer to the base of the mighty peak itself at spots like Yalung Base Camp, where you can practically reach out and touch its granite walls that rise over 28,000 feet into the sky.

As this region sees very few visitors, you’ll feel like one of only a privileged few to experience the magic of mount Kanchenjunga. With the permit required, you can trek assured that you’re contributing to preserving this precious pocket of the Himalayas for generations to come.

8. Mardi Himal Trek

Begin your adventure with the stunning Mardi Himal Trek, a hidden jewel in the Annapurna region. It is a great way to experience an intimate and less-travelled vacation in the heart of the Himalayas. 

The journey begins in Phedi or Kande and travels through beautiful rhododendron forests, charming towns, and terraced fields. These trails reveal breathtaking views of the majestic Annapurna and the renowned Machapuchare (Fishtail) peaks.

mardi view point - rp-treks

Gradual ascents through lovely communities like Deurali and Forest Camp provide opportunities for acclimatization amid the calm surroundings as the trek progresses. 

The High Camp serves as the adventure’s main point, from which a short but hard ascent leads to the Mardi Himal Base Camp. Enjoy breathtaking views of Mardi Himal, Machapuchare, Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli from this vantage point.

9. Everest Three Passes Trek

The Everest Three Passes Trek truly lives up to its reputation as a challenging yet exhilarating Himalayan adventure. The trek involves crossing three high mountain passes – Renjo La Pass (5,360m/17,585ft), Cho La Pass (5,420m/17,782ft), and Kongma La Pass (5,535m/18,159ft).

These dizzying heights present steep ascents and descents, icy and treacherous terrain, and utterly breathtaking panoramas of the snow-capped giants of the region as your reward. Iconic trails like the spectacular turquoise Gokyo Lakes and opportunities to connect with the rich Sherpa culture in villages like Namche Bazaar make the journey wonderful.

way to lobuche - rp-treks

While the physical intensity cannot be understated, the glimpses of peaks like Everest, Lhotse and Ama Dablam you’ll get along the way are unparalleled. This is a route made for hardcore hikers who want to test their limits by conquering not one but three high Himalayan passes while soaking in the majestic beauty of the world’s highest mountain range. An incredible adventure set against the most spectacular backdrops the planet can offer.

10. Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek

The Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek promises a captivating journey along remote trails in Nepal’s lesser-visited western Himalayan region. As you encircle the entire majestic Dhaulagiri massif – the world’s 7th highest peak – the views, terrain and sense of raw natural beauty never stop to amaze.

dhaulagiri - rp -treks

Setting off from Beni, the trail has adventures lying in wait with every step. Lush valleys filled with terraced farmlands soon give way to rhododendron forests and alpine meadows. Two challenging high-altitude passes build up the passion – French Pass and Dhampus Pass. Treat your eyes to untouched views of the Himalayan giants as the dizzying heights steal your breath.

Beyond the stunning scenery, authentic cultural encounters await in traditional villages like Marpha and at the base of Dhaulagiri itself. With its diverse landscapes and wealth of unique sights, the Dhaulagiri Circuit trek is a worthwhile trek. 

Final Say

After journeying through these 10 trekking wonders across Nepal, one thing is clear – this is a paradise just begging to be explored. Sure, iconic trails like Everest Base Camp should be on any outdoor enthusiast’s bucket list. But experience beyond the tourist staples, and you’ll discover real hidden gems. 

From the hardcore trekker tackling high passes to families with younger kids experiencing their first taste of the Himalayas, Nepal offers an unforgettable trekking adventure for everyone. 

Just be prepared to constantly pinch yourself at the pristine landscapes that reveal themselves at every turn. And don’t be surprised if these mesmerizing mountains cast a spell on you that has you planning to return to Nepal again and again.

So what are you waiting for? Use this list as inspiration, then pack your gear for the journey of a lifetime! The trails are calling…

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Rajan Neupane

Born in a small village of Nuwakot, began his career in the tourism industry as a porter which helped him to become a professional experienced guide and now operating RP Treks sincerely.

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